California-Nevada Precipitation Page

San Diego County station list

Entries show station weight (percent), station latitude (degrees N), station longitude (degrees E), and station name for each of the stations in the index.

  1  0.95 32.700 -117.200 NORTH ISLAND NAS   
  2  4.20 33.231 -116.414 BORREGO DESERT PARK
  3  5.19 32.734 -117.183 SAN DIEGO WSO AP   
  4  6.47 33.210 -117.395 OCEANSIDE MARINA   
  5 11.12 33.378 -116.840 PALOMAR MTN OBSVTRY
  6 14.95 33.237 -116.761 HENSHAW DAM        
  7 57.11 32.990 -116.587 CUYAMACA         

The station weight is the product of two terms. 1) the fraction of area the station represents in the total area of interest. So, for example, a station that is located near to another station will have less influence on the final total, while a station that is far from any other station will have more influence. 2) The average annual precipitation at that station, so that a wet station contributes more to the final index that does a dry station. The final weight is the product of these two terms, normalized so that the sum of all the weights adds up to 100%.

Stations are selected based on two criteria. 1) They must have a relatively long (50 year or more) record with few interruptions. 2) They must be updated nearly every day by the California Nevada River Forecast Center.

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